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3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Divorce Attorney

Going through a divorce is an emotional process and having the right legal team to guide you is essential. Here are 3 things to consider when choosing your divorce attorney:

  1. Comfort. There are many very personal details that need to be shared during a divorce. These can range from financial issues, to mental health and addiction issues, to infidelity. It is important that you feel comfortable enough with your divorce attorney to tell them all of your concerns, as well as concerns your spouse may raise about you.
  2. Experience. Some people feel that going to any attorney who says they do divorces will suffice for their situation, but that’s not often the case. Learning that your attorney is not experienced and well-versed in the law in the middle of your divorce can be a costly mistake. It’s better to err on the side of working with attorneys who are more experienced from the beginning, rather than needing to correct someone else’s mistakes.
  3. Cost. Cheaper is not always better when it comes to a divorce, and the saying “you get what you pay for” is very true. If there is very little property to divide or no custody issues, then having an attorney who charges a lower rate may be a good option. However, when there are discussions about custody, division of retirement accounts or business interests, or other more complex issues that require some analysis and advice, you should consider how much it can cost in the long run, and not be short-sighted in just choosing the lowest hourly rate.

For these or other family law questions, please reach out to one of the family law attorneys at Sandberg Phoenix.

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