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Professional Liability Blog

We explore and analyze current issues and relevant topics to help accountants, attorneys, architects and engineers, insurance agents and real estate brokers avoid a professional liability case.

Professional Liability Blog
June 4, 2015

Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw! Redux

Attorneys can run afoul of the rules of professional conduct in a variety of ways. One of the most common ways is by ignoring a client’s matter. The Ohio Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline recently sanctioned an attorney for just that. On review, the Ohio Supreme Court then upheld the majority of the sanctions, though it did reduce the imposed penalty.

Professional Liability Blog
November 6, 2013

A Law Partner’s Alleged Dishonesty, and the Aftermath for Firm Members

Attorneys and other professionals, while aware of the rules of professional conduct, are also aware not all of their colleagues uphold the trust their clients place in them. Commonly, lawyers form and create partnerships, which present the opportunity for mutual gains but also expose attorneys who uphold the ideals of the profession to the potential failures of others.