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Professional Liability Blog

We explore and analyze current issues and relevant topics to help accountants, attorneys, architects and engineers, insurance agents and real estate brokers avoid a professional liability case.

Professional Liability Blog
June 26, 2024

Ferguson v. Aon Risk Servs. Co.: A Non-Client Did Not Have Standing to Bring Claims Against an Insurance Broker

In Ferguson v. Aon Risk Servs. Co., the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois granted Defendants’ (collectively, “Aon”) motion for summary judgment based on Plaintiffs’ lack of standing as third-party beneficiaries and failure to file within the statute of limitations.

Professional Liability Blog
February 8, 2023

Texting a Client: Is it Okay?

As much as we all correspond by text and other instant messaging means these days, it is not surprising that many professionals also use texting to communicate with clients. It is convenient.